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September holiday notified

9月09号 星期一 - 马来西亚国家最高元首诞辰

Monday, Sep 9th - Agong's Birthday


Malaysia customer service takes a day off

China warehouse operates as usual

9月13号 星期五 - 中国中秋节

Friday, Sep 13th - Moon Festival


Malaysia customer service operates as usual

China warehouse takes a day off

*中国到马来西亚空运 9月11号最后一天出货,9月14号恢复正常运作

*Import to Malaysia Air Freight on the last day of September 11 and resumed normal operation on September 14

9月16号 星期一 - 马来西亚日

Monday, Sep 16th - Malaysia Day


Malaysia customer service takes a day off

China warehouse operates as usual

【注:假期期间的空运航班及空海运清关与派送将会有所延误,敬请留意及谅解 】

Note: There will be delays in clearing and dispatching air and sea flights during the holidays. Please note and understand