Announcement: China to Malaysia Ocean Shipping
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for your continuous trust and support. We would like to inform you that, due to recent significant fluctuations in the global shipping market, ocean freight rates may experience periodic increases in the near future. Additionally, shipping schedules may also face irregular delays.
Specific Reasons:
- Impact of the Pandemic: The global port operations have not yet fully recovered, leading to reduced logistics efficiency.
- Surge in Demand: The consumption demand in major economies continues to grow, significantly increasing the demand for shipping services.
- Limited Transport Capacity: The global shipping fleet capacity is strained, and the long construction and delivery cycles of new ships cannot quickly meet market demand.
- Port Congestion: Severe port congestion further affects the speed of logistics circulation.
- Container Shortage: Uneven distribution of containers has led to shortages in some areas.
Due to the above reasons, our ocean freight rates may be adjusted according to market conditions. We will make every effort to control costs and will notify you promptly before each rate adjustment.
We understand that rising freight rates macause inconvenience to you, and we will continue to strive to provide high-quality services to minimize the impact on you. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact our customer service team. Thank you again for your understanding and support.