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Compensation Agreement

理赔协议书 Agreement



1.1 代购订单务必备注完整的产品选项 (颜色,尺寸等),任何因资料不完整而造成的误差,索赔将不受理

     Our company are not responsible for any submitted mistake on detail such as: sizes,color and so on .

1.2 勿用淘宝/天猫/1688手机链接下单,任何误差,索赔将不受理

     Client are advised to not using APP link to submit order . Original link required.

1.3 若是定制商品,请自行联系卖家洽谈后,备注在订单备注格子内,任何误差,索赔将不受理

     Kindly confirm custom item info from seller before submit order and stated the info when submit order.

1.4  申请代付需与卖家确认款项事宜再向我司申请,我司付款后将不负责任何误差,索赔将不受理

      Kindly confirm payment amount , item detail with your seller before submit order. Our company are not responsible for any           compensation once payment being made .


1.5 任何包裹订单提交后的信息修改,加单,合并或任何要求,将不受理

     Any changes on parcel detail , add on or combine order are not allowed.

1.6 敏感以普货提交的运费将不退回,请务必在付款前确认好无误

    Any sensitive parcel submitted as normal parcel are not allowed. No compensation being given.


2.1  签收时发现包装有异常,请拒收 或 在签收单上备注“被拆包过”再让快递员签字确认

      Client are advised to reject any problem parcel such as trace of parcel being unbox.

2.2  包裹包装上的任何问题,请在签收日当天(工作日 )立即通知客服,过后通知将不受理

      Kindly inform our customer service on the day parcel being receive for any problem parcel. Your cases will not being accepted if our customer service do not receive your complain on the day parcel being receive.

2.4  若发现包裹有问题,请在打开包裹前,拍照(4 个角度:前后左右上下) 通知客服

      Client are advised to inform our customer service by taking picture of every angle of the parcel , surface,bottom,left and right before open the parcel .

2.5  请提供收到货物的重量,并且拍下称上重量的图片

      Kindly inform our customer service the picture of the weight of the parcel also.


3.1   包裹里的漏发或遗失,请在签收包裹后的3 天内通知客服,过后通知将不受理

       Kindly inform our customer service for any losses within 3 days once parcel received .Your cases will not being accepted if our customer service do not receive your complain within 3 days parcel being receive.

3.2   请提供客服,遗失的货物订单交易截图和快递单号

       Kindly inform our customer service the tracking number and item pic screenshot for the losses item.

3.3   代运服务,请自行联系卖家查询:卖家漏发,分装包裹或使用两个快递发货等等

       For Client who uses our shipment service only ,kindly check with your seller.

3.4   如因卖家未做好货品包装造成运输中导致货品损坏,本司与快递公司将不予承担任何责任与赔偿。

       Our company are not responsible for any damage or losses while delivery due to incomplete packaging

3.5    针对易碎品或易损品的货物,邮寄前,卖家/寄件人有责任务必做好加强加固包装、做好防水保护、贴上易碎品标签,以确保商品在运输过程中起到保护作用。 易碎品或易损品在运输过程中发生任何商品变形、破裂、损坏或湿货等情况,请恕我司无法对此类情况进行任何理赔事宜。

       For the fragile or fragile goods, the seller/sender has the responsibility to strengthen the packaging, waterproof protection, and label the fragile goods before mailing to ensure that the goods are protected during transportation effect. For fragile or fragile products that are deformed, cracked, damaged or wet during transportation, please forgive us that we are unable to make any claims for such situations

常见的易碎易损商品 (Common fragile and fragile goods): · 玻璃、瓷器、陶器材料及其制品 (Glass, porcelain, pottery materials and their products) · 雕刻品、玩具模型 (Carvings, toy models) · 乐器、钓鱼竿等(扁长型)(Musical instruments, fishing rods, etc. (long and flat type)) · 瓶装饮料、洗护用品、液装产品 (Bottled beverages, toiletries, liquid products) · 水晶及其制品 (Crystal and its products) · 易碎塑料材料及其制品 (Fragile plastic materials and products) · 精密仪器或器械 (Precision instruments or instruments) · 液晶显示屏、显示器、显示设备 (LCD screens, monitors, display devices) · 眼镜、隐形眼镜 (Glasses, contact lenses) · 电路板、主板 (Circuit board, main board) · 电子产品、电子设备及机械 (Electronic products, electronic equipment and machinery) · 相机及其配件器材 (Camera and its accessories)

3.6    若客人运输敏感物品(如:液体、油漆等)因包装不合格问题,导致污染其他客户物品,产生的损失赔偿,客人需要承担责任。(运输此类产品建议您要求卖家打木箱或向我司申请打木箱服务)。

       Sensitive parcel ( such as liquid,paint & etc): Customer have responsibility liable for the loss of compensation, if the parcel is leaking due to unqualified packaging and; bring damages for others customer's parcel. (Suggestion: request related safeguard service from seller or our company.)


4.1  代购,1个快递单号无法分开包装到不同运单

      Separate packing from 1 tracking number are not allowed.

4.2  每个运单只提交1 个运输方式,如需2种不同运输方式,请分开提交

      Only 1 shipment method allow for each order submitted.

4.3  运单提交后,不被允许改单, 合并,或取消部分的货  Any changes on detail , combine or cancel are not allowed once order submitted.

存仓有效期及保障 :

5.1 货物在中国/马来西亚仓库,90天后无人认领自动弃货

     Item will be treated as ‘Abandoned goods’ once the item are not being submit delivery shipment after 90 days arrived China warehouse.


6.1 如果包裹在运输过程全丢失,我司将按物品价值或运费的三倍作出赔偿(两者取低值),每个运单最高赔偿金额马币RM200(运费以马币计算) 。 If the parcel lost, the compensation amount is x3 of the shipping cost or the value of the product, whichever is the lowest, and the maximum compensation amount is the per parcel RM200.  6.2以下的状况请恕我司无法对此类情况进行任何理赔事宜 For the following situations, please forgive that our company cannot make any claims for such situations 6.2.1 易碎易损商品(参考3.5) Fragile Goods 6.2.2 危险品及违禁品 Dangerous goods and contraband 6.2.3 在运输途中由于恶劣气候、雷电、海啸、地震、洪水,水灾,火灾自然灾害等所造成的损失 Losses caused by severe weather, lightning, tsunami, earthquakes, floods, floods, fires and natural disasters during transportation 6.2.4 中国与马来西亚海关扣查所导致延迟运送或充公 China and Malaysia customs detain/confiscation, or cause delay in delivery 6.2.5 在运输过程中发生任何损失或损坏或不合适的包装导致的损坏. Any loss or damage during transportation is not covered by our company /inappropriate packaging。 6.3 索赔程序将参考图表 6.1.1 为鉴定标准处理索赔 All compensation process will be follow chart 6.1.1 as investigation standard. 6.4 索赔数额将不包含代购费,GST All compensation are not included service charge , GST 6.5 赔偿方式将退还至您的to1 Express账户,不允许现金偿还银行户口。 Reimbursement method will be refunded to your to1 Express account, cash repayment of bank account is not allowed


7.1 一切干涉卖家与快递公司的问题,我司不负责处理

    Our company will not responsible on any issue that occur by seller or delivery company.

7.2 快递/物流送到我司的包裹我司只对外包装没问题,没破损的包裹进行签收

    Our company will only accept parcel by outer packing inspection.

7.3 如遇天气问题航班延迟,或者海关严查等不可抗力因素,送货日期会有所推迟,本司与快递公司将不予承担任何责任与赔偿。

    Our company will not responsible on any issue such as delay due to weather , airflight ,custom efficiency .


Terms and Conditions are subject to change without notice.

图表 6.1.1 chart 6.1.1

赔偿原则 Compensation T&C





原因 Reason

鉴定方式 Determination


Compensation claims


Investigation  Period


Compensation Period


Damage caused while delivery


Air/Sea Freight


Poor packaging on outer freight


No paper box or related safeguard.




7 working days





Air/Sea Freight


Poor packaging on inner packaging

(Seller’s packaging)


No bubble wrap or related safeguard.


Members required to deal with the seller .To1express will not responsible on this compensation dealing.


7 working days



Sea Freight


Violence on freight


Damage caused after reinforcement packaging.


Delivery Department


25-45 working days



Missing/Lost parcel


Air/Sea Freight


Missing parcel while warehouse repacking


Not included in the parcel while the Item being submitted upon system.




7 working days


3 working days


Air/Sea Freight



Trace of being unbox

空运部 / 运输部

Air / Sea Delivery Department 


25-45 working days



7 working days


Air/Sea Freight


Customs inspection


Rejection by custom

No compensation


7 working days



Parcel Lost


Air/Sea Freight


Parcel Lost


Parcel Lost


Air delivery department


25-45 working days


7 working days

注意: 一票两件的商品请与卖家 拿子单号并且与客服确认

Attention: Kindly contact our customer service if there are 2 or more item under 1 tracking number.

** 若包裹和该运单一起发出无需加任何费用,仓库全全负责漏发运费, 若包裹和该运单一起发出需要附加费用,顾客需附上该费用

** Warehouse will fully compensate for missing parcel transport fee if no additional charges when ship together with that shipment, otherwise additional charge is paid by cus

Export from Malaysia


1. Shipper’s Obligations

Shipper is responsible to ensure each item in the shipment is properly described in the packing list & invoice, acceptable for transport, and properly marked, addressed and packed to ensure safe transportation with ordinary care in handling. Shipper is responsible for all charges, including transportation charges, and possible surcharges, customs and duties assessments including fees related to our prepayment of the same, governmental penalties and fines, taxes and lawyers’ fees and legal costs.

2. Claims of Compensation

Any claims for lost or damaged item must be claimed by the sender or the person authorized in writing by the sender and shall be made according to the following conditions:

• For damaged item, report must be made to the nearest To1Express office within 48 hours from date of acceptance by the receiver; accompanied by proof of damage (e.g. photo).

• For lost item, claim must be made within thirty (30) days from date of posting.

• All claims must be submitted in writing to To1Express and e-mail to to1express.com@gmail.com, together with proof of posting. Claims are limited to one claim per Shipment settlement of which will be full and final settlement for all loss or damage in connection therewith.

3. Limits of Liability for standard parcel without coverage.

  • In the event of parcel lost, To1Express will compensate the sender maximum of RM100/= per parcel or cost of goods, whichever is lower.

  • To1Express will not liable for goods damaged during the shipment transits, no compensation will be entertained for such claim.

  • Fragile goods will be solely at sender own risk.

4. Inspection

To1Express reserves the right to open and inspect a Shipment without prior notice to Shipper.

5. Shipment Coverage

To1Express is not liable for any claims of compensation which is contradictory with the item declaration at the time of posting. In order to secure the full value of shipment, Sender has an option to pay 8% security fee to ensure the full coverage of the shipment subjected to the following terms and conditions:

  • To1Express does not cover indirect loss or damage cause by delays.

  • To1Express will not liable for goods damaged during the shipment transits, no compensation will be entertained for such claim.

  • Sender is allowed to secure their shipment value maximum up to RM10,000/= per consignment or product value as stated in the invoice, whichever is lower.

  • To1Express reserves the right to accept or reject any of the shipment coverage upon acceptance of the goods.

6. Compliance to Delivery Standards

To1Express will make every reasonable effort to deliver the Shipment according to our standard transit time. However, this is limited to direct coverage area, completeness and accuracy of information provided and delivery commitment is calculated based on number of working days only. To1Express is not liable for any loss or damages caused by custom clearance or delivery delays.

7. Indirect Loss, Consequential Damages and Other Indirect Costs

To1Express is not liable for any indirect loss, consequential damages and other indirect costs, whether such loss or damages are special or indirect, and even if the risk of such loss or damage was brought to To1 Express before or after acceptance of the shipment, since special risk can be insured by shipper.